Post JSON data here to get information about an account.
{ "accountId": "2", "apiKey":"o5ic8IZCZYPGgmgh", "language":"en", "departureDay": "20.01.2025", "numAdult": "1", "childAges": [5,7], "excursionId": "59", "preview": "1", "twelveOClockRestriction": "1", "promotions": "0", "langUrl": "0" }
"accountID" and "apiKey" are required for all Api calls.
"language": en me hr si ru de nl fr it cz sk hu pl
Optional "skipDepartureDateValidation" prevents departure date validation.
Optional "skipCapacityValidation" prevents capacity validation.
Optional "twelveOClockRestriction" prevents booking of tomorrow excursion if booking time is today after 12 hours. Default: 1
Optional "promotions" load special offers, last minute, first minute promotions.
Optional "langUrl" load fix url for excursion with country, region and city for all languages.
sellingType in response
- On Request
- Real Time