Post JSON data here to get information about an account.
{ "accountId": "2", "apiKey":"o5ic8IZCZYPGgmgh", "language":"en", "checkIn": "20.01.2025", "checkOut": "21.01.2025", "numAdult": "1", "childAges": [5,7], "roomId": "11017", "status": "CONFIRMED", "paymentMethod": "Credit card online", "paymentOption": "Payment in full", "notifySupplier": "0", "adHoc": "0", "note": "", "dateCreated": "18.01.2025 03:00", "passengers": [{ "title": "mr", "name": "Ivan", "surname": "Kukić", "email": "", "phone": "+38267613079", "country": "Crna Gora", "city": "Bar", "address": "Jovana Tomaševića 32", "birthDate": "01.08.1982", "passportNumber": "AB504109", "type": "adult" }], "guarantee": { "holderName": "Ivan Kukić", "cardType": "MasterCard", "cardNumber": "5555555555554444", "expMonth": "10", "expYear": "2018", "cvc": "553" } }
"accountID" and "apiKey" are required for all Api calls.
"language": en me hr si ru de nl fr it cz sk hu pl
"paymentMethod": Credit card online Credit card using offline authorization Bank transfer Western Union Cache
"paymentOption": Payment in full 30% now and 70% balance 10 days before arrival 30% now and 70% balance upon arrival
Passenger "title": mr mrs ms dr prof
Optional "notifySupplier" Send Email to Supplier
Optional "adHoc" Allow booking of objects without price
Optional "id" Allow to modify existing booking
Optional passenger "id" Allow to modify existing passenger information
Sending document to guest
- status "CONFIRMED": the document "INVOICE" is sent
- status "ON-HOLD" and paymentMethod all except "Credit card online": the document "PRO-FORMA" is sent
- status "REQUEST": the document "INFO" is sent
Optional "doNotSendDocument" parameter prevent system from sending info, proforma or invoice to passenger
Optional "customMail": suppliers.
Optional "discountSupplementType" enables calculation of: DISCOUNT SUPPLEMENT VOUCHER-CODE
Optional "discountSupplementCalculationType": PERCENTAGE NOMINALLY
Optional "discountSupplementAmount"